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The Indefinite Article.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I'm glad I'm not . . .

. . . in the PowerBook market right now, otherwise I would have that "hmmm, how do I justify buying..." feeling about Apple's displays. The new 12" still has the dongle connector, just like the old 12" and the iBook, but now it is "mini-DVI out." In my 12, the video out is VGA; it works with the good old analog standard. Apple's current displays are available only in ADC, or Apple's proprietary digital video connector for which there is a DVI to ADC connector. So with the new Powerbook G4 12", you can run a Cinema Display.

(. . . on the other hand, my old PB may be able to use one of the adapters to get DVI out . . .)


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