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The Indefinite Article.

Monday, November 10, 2003

My own, My only, My PRECIOUS....


The vicatin is nice, but he kanka is nicer. 20% Benzocaine does the trick. I woke up this morning at five unable to sleep again, after an hour of tossing and turning. I sleep in 1 1/2 long fits. It wasn't a goood night last night either.

I ended up loaded my mouth up with kanka and falling asleep with my head on the kitchen table. It turns out that resting my forehead on my arm and sleeping is very comfortable for my mouth, cause it just hangs there. I did droll all over the table though.

My mother came to the kitchen at 6 a.m. and covered me with a blanket. She sent me back to bed soon after. She wiped the entire table with a clorox solution.

I had chicken and rice soup broth for breakfast, and a glass of water. I went back to sleep around 10:30 with a vicatin in my stomach.

I just woke up to the feeling of my mouth again. I wiped my mouth with more kanka, scanned it and started typing...

p.s. for the record, MY pc at work has 1GB of RAM.


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