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The Indefinite Article.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

tourin', fishin', hangin', eatin' and cleanin'

I spent my official day of mourning with my little sister and Claire. We rode into town and parked in adolph's vacant spot at his apartment and rode the train downtown. We checked out the majestic metro where Wes and Claire will be married on 10th of July. Then, as we headed back to the train station we peeked at the press machines at the Houston Chronicle. Then, we cut across to back to Main St. through the Chase Bank building.

We made it to Rice University right on time for the campus tour. My sister was amazed. Claire and I hung back and chatted while Barbara was swept along the tour.

We had a nice lunch at Niko's Niko's and headed back home for a long afternoon nap. Too long, it turns out...

I forgot to pick up Carol at work and the baby from school! I ran out the door at 5:15 got the baby and rushed to get carol. If i wasn't so dumb, carol would have been angry.

Saturday morning we hop in the car and head to my step-dad's house on the San Bernard River. We fished a good portion of the late morning and early afternoon away and finished off the afternoon making some BBQ chicken. We were back home 7, gave the baby a bath and went to Wes and Claire's house for another cookout: hot dogs, salad, watermelon, beer, elote, and guacamole!

On the guest list were two kid-ed couples: the Chavez Family and the Craig, Tea, & Evan family (can't remember their last name). It turned out that Craig really enjoyed playing chess, so we planned a Sunday morning game at the local Panera.

He called around 9:30 this morning and picked me up about 15 minutes later. At high noon we had played two games. One win for killy and a draw.

Once home, Carol and i got ready for Adolfo's first non-family related birthday party! We got to Gymboree, had cake and ice cream, played a few games, and left. It was very matter of fact. It almost wasn't fun at all (for me).

Adolfo IV crashed the second we got home. Hard.

We took advantage of the time and cleaned. Hard. The house was a indescribable mess. Hard.

And now we must go grocery shopping - hard.


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